We care about the environment!
Having grown up in the countryside in the name of respect for land and animals, our lifestyle could only be based on the principles linked to the ethical values with which we were educated . Values that we apply to our agricultural production, pushing those natural processes that allow us to safeguard the environmental resource, which is essential for everyone. We use agricultural techniques capable of respecting the environment, biodiversity, the natural ability of the earth to absorb waste and guarantee the conservation of soil fertility over time. By doing so, we too contribute in improving quality of life, ours, our co -workers, our customers and the future generations.
The five "R"
The five "R"
We are pursuing these ambitious goals, which we can summarize in 5 r's:
"Refuse" waste (superfluous objects which will be become waste as they are no longer useful);
Reduce consumption (reduce the weight of waste, buying better and less);
Reuse (buy quality items that don't perish immediately after use but are guaranteed for long lasting use);
Recycle (give a new life to the object, guaranteeing its future usefulness),
Compost (create natural fertilizer from natural waste storage).
These are some of the aspects of sustainability that we will consider:
People: safety, health, training and equal opportunities for employees; fair wages, fair treatment; support and involvement of the local community; charitable projects; financial sustainability (a company must plan financially to prosper and doing good for others)
Ecological footprint: heating, cooling, power: efficiency of buildings and equipment, fuel sources, electricity, lighting, machinery.
Transport: vehicles and their use, grape and wine transport, commuting / traveling.
Packaging: glass weight, labels, closures, shipping material
Chemical inputs (carbon footprint of their production)
Low carbon technologies.
Biodiversity: chemical inputs (fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides), soil microbial health, habitat enhancement or conservation, tree planting, wildlife and ecosystem protection / encouragement.
Soil: conservation and health, tillage, compaction, erosion, enrichment
Water: conservation, management, collection of rainwater, use of the cellar and waste
Waste: cellar and vineyard, other non-biodegradable waste, organic waste from vineyard and cellar, use of plastic in the office
Certifications: all and all, from carbon neutral to organic and biodynamic
Sustainable mobility and Swiss Post
We launched our Bike Station project in 2015 and we are, still today, the only winery to have something like this.
With our fleet of high end e-bikes we have rediscovered the ancient purpose of our site : our farmhouse was a post office where travelers stopped for refreshment and stopped horses along the road to the north, formerly Via Claudia Augusta.
Our e-bikes represent a way of living and socializing, but also a means that, in addition to being within everyone's reach, they allow you to include the landscape in your journey: the scenery is exceptional and discovering it by pedaling is an unforgettable experience for the tourist .
Our guests can thus discover Valpolicella in a sustainable and healthy way: it is synonymous with freedom, because it entrusts and commensurate the journey to the legs of those who ride.
The richness and variety of the environment and the fatigue of physical effort make the stop in our cellar perfect for an experience in contact with the energy of nature, in an intimate and relaxing atmosphere, tasting genuine food and breathing atmospheres immersed in the tradition.
An experience to discover, in every season, a different and in many ways still secret Valpolicella.